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ELLE x Soledad Collection met Japan

After China, Korea and Thailand, Soledad’s world tour continued in Japan !

It was an opportunity for many of you to meet the sparkling artist Soledad and discover our new limited collection in collaboration with our iconic illustrator. We hope that you have enjoyed it ! 😍

Treat yourself to one of the refreshing key pieces of the collection ELLE x Soledad Collection and you will wear the parisian lifestyle with perfection.  

If you want to learn more about that collection, follow us on our global account @elleboutique and discover our highlight story “ELLExSoledad” ! You will be amazed ❤️

#Parisiananywhere #ELLExSoledad #ELLE #Newcapsulecollection

ELLE x Soledad 系列登陆日本


日本的朋友们得以一见灵气四溢的插画家Soledad,并探索Elle与Soledad合作的最新限量系列。希望大家和我们共度了一段愉快的时光! 😍

犒赏自己一件ELLE x Soledad合作系列的清新单品吧,演绎浑然天成的巴黎风尚。

若想了解关于该系列的更多详情,请关注我们的全球账号@elleboutique,并浏览主题故事《ELLExSoledad》。别致雅趣,你一定喜欢 ❤️

#Parisiananywhere #ELLExSoledad #ELLE #Newcapsulecollection

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SS19 拍摄地 – Hotel Exelcior Vittoria

在毗邻波西斯塔、卡普里岛和那不勒斯的索伦托,坐落着一家拥有180年历史的五星级大酒店——伊克斯希尔维多利亚大酒店(Grand Hotel Excelsior Vittoria)。大气磅礴的酒店和周围蔚为壮观的景色源源不断地吸引着全球游客。如果你想要在世界各地感受巴黎式的生活方式(#parisiananywhere ),ELLE Boutique向你诚挚推荐此处,不论是这里的壮阔风景,还是精美的意大利建筑,都可以视为巴黎风尚的完美再现。如果你计划在夏天前往意大利维多利亚大酒店,不妨参考我们的@elleboutique精彩故事,和我们一起探索一趟终生难忘的旅程。我们还为你准备了ELLE2019春夏摄影独家后台故事!#parisiananywhere #SS19 #BeExcelsiorVittoria

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솔리다드 브라비의 월드 투어는 중국, 한국, 태국, 일본으로 이어졌습니다!

이번 콜라보레이션을 통해 유명 프렌치 아티스트 솔리다드를 직접 만나보고 그녀의 컬렉션을  보고 경험해보는 소중한 기회였습니다. 우리 모두 정말 즐거웠죠! 😍

ELLE x [...]
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